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JC Geography
Here is where you will find free A Level Geog Notes for your consumption. Do note that there have been recent changes in the syllabus, only full-time students will have access to the new notes (9173 syllabus).
Theme 1.1: Physical Processes in the Tropics
Hadley Cell
Monsoon Winds
Walker Circulation, El Nino & La Nina
Convectional Rainfall, Orographic Rainfall
Drainage Basin Hydrology
Fluvial and Runoff Processes
Channel Morphology
Braided & Meandering Rivers
Physical Weathering, Chemical Weathering
Soil Profile (Soil-Forming Processes)
Mass Movements
Theme 1.2: Landscapes and Issues in the Tropics
Karst Landscapes
Aeolian Landscapes
Tropical Cyclones
Flood Hydrographs
Flood Causes, Effects, Strategies
Tropical Deforestation Causes, Effects, Strategies
Theme 2.1: Development and the Global Economy
Core-Periphery Model, Dependency Theory, Bottom-Up Approach to Development
Structure of the Economy
Levels of Development
Sustainable Development Goals
New International Division of Labour (NIDL)
Global Production Networks (GPNs)
Transnational Corporations (TNCs)
Role of the State
Influence of Regional and International Organisations
Involvement of Non-State Actors
Theme 2.2: Environment and Resources
Relationship towards Resources
Resource Availability
Thomas Malthus
Ester Boserup
David Harvey
Extractive Industries
The 'Resource Curse' Thesis
Water Scarcity (Causes, Strategies)
Transboundary Sources of Water Supply (Conflicts)
Theme 3.1: Climate Change and Energy
The Concept of 'Needs', 'Limitations' and trade-offs
Political and Economic challenges in attaining Sustainable Development
Alternative Energy Sources
Nuclear Energy
The Science of Climate Change (Evidence)
Anthropogenic Activities affecting Climate Change
Effects of Climate Change on Sustainable Development
Mitigation Measures and Adaptation Measures to Climate Change
Theme 3.2: Sustainable Urban Development
Urban Re-imaging
Indicators for Sustainable Urban Development
Urban Liveability
Indicators for Liveability
Management of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste (Ecological Footprint, Urban Metabolism, Strategies)
Management of Slums (Characteristics, Reasons for Development, Strategies)
Management of Traffic Congestion
Needs of Different Social Groups (Elderly, Youths, Migrants, Disabled)
JC Economics
Here is where you will find free A Level Econs Notes for your consumption. If you are looking for more, do join our Telegram group as well!
Theme 1: The Central Economic Problem
The Rational Decision Making Model
Theme 2.1: Price Mechanism and its Applications
Demand & Supply
Price Adjustment Process
Total Revenue & Strategies
Consumers Surplus & Producer Surplus
Microeconomic Policies
Theme 2.2: Firms and Decisions
Objectives of Firms
Costs & Revenue
Perfect Competition
Monopolistic Competition
Theme 2.3: Microeconomic Objectives and Policies
Positive & Negative Externalities
Public Goods
Imperfect Information
Asymmetric Information
Taxes, Subsidies, Regulations
Theme 3.1: Introduction to Macroeconomics
Circular Flow of Income
Aggregate Demand & Aggregate Supply
Equilibrium of AD/AS
The Multiplier Effect
Theme 3.2: Macroeconomic Objectives and Policies
Standard of Living
Economic Growth (Actual Growth & Potential Growth)
Inflation (Causes & Consequences)
Unemployment (Types/Causes & Consequences)
Balance of Trade/Payments (Types/Causes & Consequences)
Fiscal Policy
Monetary Policy (Interest Rates)
Monetary Policy (Exchange Rates)
Supply-Side Policies
JC General Paper
Here is where you will find free A Level GP Notes for your consumption. Do note that there have been recent changes in the syllabus, only full-time students will have access to the new notes (8881 syllabus).
Chapter 1: Introduction Writing
Learn various key steps to writing a solid introduction for GP that will hook your marker
Chapter 2: Body Paragraphs
Format a Body Paragraph
Understand how to evaluate in a Body Paragraph
Chapter 3: Conclusion
Learn varied options of ending an essay, with finesse
Chapter 4: Evaluation
Understand the meaning of Evaluation in GP, and how to excel in it
Chapter 5: Application Question
Learn tips and tricks on how to score full marks for AQ in GP
Chapter 6: Comprehension Question Types
Uncover the various question types tested in GP comprehension
LevUp Sample Notes
Here is where you will find sample notes across the various subjects offered at LevUp Education. Those that have blanks are to be filled during classes. Feel free to download them!
Consumption Environment
H2 Economics
Supply Analysis and its Applications - Market, Curve, Determinants
H2 Geography
How do we create liveable cities for the Elderly?
H2 Mathematics
Pure Geography
How do tectonic processes affect the magnitude of earthquakes?
Pure Chemistry
Kinetic Particle Theory