Our Tutors

Discover our team of expert tutors trained over years of experience.

Mr Andre

JC Economics | 6 years teaching experience | NUS Business

Hey! I’m Andre. I have been coaching and tutoring hundreds of students for over 6 years, personally coaching batches of driven individuals to help them excel at the A-Levels.

Across the batches, 100% of my students have jumped at least 3 grades, with 7 out of 10 of them scoring an A/B at the A-Level examinations, a rate that is more than 2 times the national average. Do read up some of the many testimonials on the Testimonials page and on Google Reviews! 

My approach to Economics is simple: 70% Skills, 30% Content. Across the classes at LevUp, I drill in skills-building on a weekly basis, and teach students how to apply them to real exam questions. Moreover, I am able to provide astute advice and learning methods for each student through my many years of experience.

I’ve seen students of every caliber – fundamentally weak to looking for that extra nudge for JC Economics. Give our classes a shot, I am confident you won’t regret it!

Mr Jaren

JC Economics | 5 years teaching experience | NUS Economics

Hi! I’m Jaren. I have tutored hundreds of students over the past 5 years. Be it on an individual level or in groups, I have personally coached passionate individuals, students with special needs such as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), and even less fortunate students located overseas. My plethora of experiences thus ensures that I am a patient, understanding and extremely friendly tutor that will help you or your child achieve their desired grades in Economics at the A-Levels.

Out of my past students, 100% of them jumped 3 grades and my teaching methods can be vouched for through the good word left by previous batches.

My approach to Economics is unlike most people. I truly believe that understanding trumps all. I have confidence that once you fully understand a topic, you will be able to answer accordingly during exams, instead of regurgitating whatever is written in your notes or model essays. Hence, during my classes at LevUp, I will ensure that my students internalise and understand the topic before moving on.

Words can only do so much, sign up for our trial classes now and experience it yourself!