You don’t need to rely solely on your O level exam results to gain admission in Junior College (JC) in Singapore.
Through the Direct School Admission (DSA) exercise, an initiative by the Ministry of Education, you can secure a place at a DSA school by another eligibility criteria – your talent in sports, leadership, co-curricular activities, skills, or achievements outside academic areas.
Need help applying for Direct School Admission for Junior College? Here’s a breakdown of the process and the essential points to consider.
Terms and Conditions of the JC Direct School Admission Route

Gaining admission to a school through DSA-JC comes with certain restrictions and requirements. Be sure to bear these in mind:
JAE Exclusion
You are not allowed to participate in the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE).
No Transfers
Successful DSA-JC candidates are expected to honour their commitment and, thus, cannot transfer to another school throughout the entire programme.
Concurrent Participation in the DSA-JC and Early Admissions Exercise (EAE)
You can apply for both DSA-JC and EAE at the same time, but you have to decide which offer to accept. Accepting both is not allowed. If it’s found that you’ve accepted both offers, you’ll be disqualified unless you cancel one before the Acceptance Stage ends.
O-Level Criteria
You must still meet the qualifying criteria for admission to a JC based on the results of your GCE O Level examinations to secure a spot in your school of choice.
Diverse Talent Areas
Junior colleges look for outstanding talent from mainstream Singapore schools to apply to their programme. Among the common areas of talents and skills include:
Co-curricular Activities
Sports and Games
Visual Arts, Design & Media
Performing Arts
Science Research
Language and Humanities Language Elective Programme
How To Go About the JC DSA Application Process

Phase 1
In the Offer Stage for Phase 1, schools will shortlist and make offers to selected students, involving attendance at selection and interview sessions.
For specific details regarding the selection period, procedures, and criteria, you can refer to the schools’ websites.
Tip: You can use the Ministry of Education’s SchoolFinder to see which junior colleges offer the DSA-JC exercise.
Upon receiving an offer, the Acceptance Stage of Phase 1 begins.
You are allowed to accept only one offer by submitting an acceptance form to the school. Ensure that the completed acceptance form reaches the school via email.
Qualifying for JC admission based on your O-Level examination results guarantees your place in the chosen school. If you change your mind during the Cooling-off Stage, you can cancel your Phase 1 acceptance.
Phase 2
Similar to Phase 1, schools in Phase 2 will shortlist and make offers to selected students, with the possibility of attending selection and interview sessions.
Visit the schools’ websites for detailed information on the selection period, procedures, and criteria.
In the Acceptance stage of Phase 2, you can accept only one offer by submitting an acceptance form to the school. Qualifying for JC admission based on your O-Level examination results secures your place.
If you participated in both DSA-JC and EAE, you can only accept one offer. If you change your plans, the Withdrawal Stage allows you to cancel your acceptance.
School Allocation Outcome
Expect to receive your DSA-JC school allocation outcome alongside your O-Level examination results.
Keep in mind that if you have accepted an offer through DSA-JC and qualify for JC admission based on your O-Level examination results, participating in the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) is not permitted.
Ready To Apply via Direct School Admission for Junior College?

Through the JC-DSA route, you will have the opportunity to spotlight not just your academic accomplishments but also the unique qualities that set you apart.
Secure all aspects of the equation by making sure your O level results stand out!
At LevUp, we provide outstanding JC tuition classes, where a significant 70-80% of our students attain As or Bs, and enjoy round-the-clock support as well as personalised 1-on-1 consultations from our experienced tutors.
Ready to take the first step towards securing your spot in a DSA school?
Contact us and decide how your academic future will look like today!